SCI Of Interest ~ 7/25/20

AH ~

I admire people creative, determined, and skilled enough to invent their way through life. Ralph Braun did that and left BraunAbility, a company that adapts vehicles with ramps, lifts, etc., as his legacy. Well, Goeff Babb has just done the same with the AdvenChair which will allow him and a group of committed family and friends to continue his outdoor, rugged adventures. At 48, a brain injury from a stroke left Goeff paralyzed. He, his wife, and two sons have effectively re-opened this portion of his life.

AG ~

♿️💨🌊 If you or anyone you know is in the path of Hurricane Dorian – or another emergency situation – please check this out. It will help you with sage advice even if the emergency isn’t imminent. The Dana & Christopher Reeves Foundation is looking out for our safety and best life possible.

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This is exciting. The engineering that works for Segway is now market ready for a new, unique  wheelchair called appropriately OGO. Check it out.

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~~ IZ Adaptive

Dressing for those with paralysis and other physical challenges like autism is a challenge from toe to top. Here are two websites with several companies offering shoes and clothes that make life easier when it comes to dressing. This provides a goldmine of options. The companies included are for children through adults. Their products are functional but, equally important, they provide a means to also be stylish. Each of these websites has a creator, backer, or powerhouse behind it who is concerned with those with challenges. I would say these creative and special people are angels of sorts.

AD ~~

I’m delighted to promote this company. They have stepped up with a solution for those who are no longer “temporarily able-bodied” to access buildings with steps without the space needed for a ramp. Check out the great number of areas they’ve made accessible. The steps retract and a lift becomes available. They have put these in where no room exists for a ramp, even historic buildings. Well worth the time to check this out!!!

AC ~~

Google: InTheKnowInnovation. Here’s one way to get around the house without damaging a caregiver’s back or utilizing a transfer board. Motorized ceiling tracks can help move a person who isn’t walking around the house, including from room to room. Quite clever.

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My hat goes off to Cornelia Oberlander, Canadian designer, for designing the steps around accessible ramps instead of the other way around. Now, that’s respectful,

AA ~~


The Indego exoskeleton at Mary Free Bed (MFB) Rehabilitation Hospital is allowing those with SCI to walk. It’s an exciting time with options that are available. Two advantages of the Indego are 1) it uses a natural gait and 2) it can be assembled, donned, and put away into a duffle size bag by the one using the mobility device. According to an administrator at MFB with whom I spoke, the VA is now authorizing the Indego for some veterans and some insurance companies are authorizing it in special circumstances.

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Ogo developed a wheelchair that uses a technology similar to the Segway. It moves by leaning vs. rolling, is well balanced, and can maneuver uneven land or even climb stairs. Ogo says it is rolling out the product cautiously to make sure it can be supported and in the market around the glove for the long run. I’m told there had been an iBOT with similar features. Those who had that wheelchair loved it but it was discontinued by their parent company who took a different route (Segways). Ogo is working so that same demise doesn’t happen to them. Check out the numerous YouTube videos.

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Pendel Mobility Scooter: What a fun way to get around. Just love how engineers keep developing new options for better mobility. I’d be really interested if it could be used on the beach. Seems like the Dutch have a lot of dealers. Anyone ever see one in The Netherlands? I can really picture getting around Amsterdam using this.

X —

Morgan’s Inspirational Island is the first fully accessible waterpark to open. Here’s some amazing things:

  • Handicapped children and adults enter free.
  • Developers utilized actual handicapped groups in design process. (respectful)
  • They invited handicapped individuals in to test it out before it opened to the public. (respectful)
  • All kinds of disabilitiesare accounted for, even those with auto-immune issues.

Kudos to San Antonio!

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I am constantly amazed at our younger generation, their insights, creativity, and just plain ‘heart.’ How many others watched a person in a wheelchair struggle to open a manual door and done nothing. It took this young man from Idaho. KUDOS!

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A graduate from my Calvin College (my alma mater), paralyzed in trampoline accident, walked across the stage for graduation! You go Garrett! Keep up the excellent support Calvin and Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hosp. Indego (exoskeleton), you are amazing.

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TEK Mobility is now available through a distributor in the US with many distribution sites. NuMotion has over 100 locations – including most states. There is a great interactive map so you can find one near you. Personally, I would feel more comfortable with several sites than just the one in CA previously available.

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~~ Check out the Firefly by Rio Mobility. It is a free-third-wheel motorized to go up to 12 MPH and go further than 15 miles. It’s exciting to see new inventions which make life and mobility easier for those with mobility challenges.

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~~ These bars could be easily added to smooth surfaces. We have similar ones in a plexiglas shower and they works well. There are very unique bars with flexible uses. They seem to add safety, even in hotel rooms or on visits to family or friends.

R (September 24, 2016 entry)

~~ This wheelchair / seat would certainly making flying easier for those of us in wheelchairs. It would eliminate two transfers and the extremely narrow wheelchair seat with no seatbelt. Many airplane seats do not have the drop down arm rest. This might actually allow for using the on-board restroom. Well, maybe the rest rooms still need a makeover.

Q  a~~


~~ My hat goes off to this young woman who has determination and the strength to hike the Appalachian Trail. I know, from two personal acquaintances who have achieved it, that this is one difficult task! But, to do it as a paraplegic is truly remarkable. Are you paying attention insurance companies?

P ~~…/paraplegics-are-learning-to-walk-again…/

~~ Miracles come in many ways and often through serious, focused research. Here paraplegics are learning to walk again through virtual experiences. Even though they don’t walk on their own, they are seeing improvements in quality of life areas. The brains and bodies are so very amazing. They are communicating without the use of typical spinal cord messaging systems we were born with.

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~~ This is still a protype but, wow, Argonault might be on to something pretty unique and amazing for those who need a power chair. It gets one out of bed w/o transferring side to side, moves around inside and lifts one to cupboards, etc., brings one outside, into a van, out at the other side, up steps, etc.

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~~ This looks like FUN in capital letters. What a way to get around the places typically off limits to those with mobility challenges.

~~ If you know a child who faces mobility challenges, consider a trip to one of these parks. Amazing and fun!

~~ Things Women in Wheelchairs Should Know – Most of these fall into the ‘Yeah, I knew that. ;-)’ category but I bet you’ll learn a couple things as well. 20 great ideas or hints. of Interest to those with SCI

~~ Brothers Both Paralyzed Return to Home. Amazingly, two brothers were paralyzed in separate accidents. The second accident happened to the caregiver of the first accident victim. Both are now home living together in the Grand Rapids, MI area.

~~  Freedom Trax. Check out this Freedom Trax which allows those in manual wheelchairs to get about on sand, gravel, snow, etc. Isn’t is wonderful to see on-going research and innovations. I would love to hear from anyone who actually has this device.


Here us the company’s description of the device: Freedom Trax is a motorized track system designed to transform nearly any manual wheelchair into an off-road vehicle that can traverse sand, snow, gravel and mud. Its unique design allows for a lightweight, versatile, and rugged machine. Freedom Trax is the first of its type and is the cost effective solution for portable and convenient off-road mobility.

~~ TEK RMD (Robotic Mobility Device) Used by First American. See the story at link below. This device allows back entry rather than the typical side transfer and allows a person with SCI to stand, move about, and reach to accomplish tasks otherwise out of reach.

~~ How do women in wheelchairs like to be treated? This woman speaks frankly about how women in wheelchairs would like to be treated. Many people have told me they don’t know if those of us in chairs would like help or not. “We” aren’t all the same but this woman uses common sense and answers questions many people have.

~~ Never Say “Can’t”: This young lady, Jen Bricker, has a lesson for all of us. She is amazing. What she can do is unbelievable so be sure to watch.

~~ Pain after Spinal Cord Injury: Read or view the links below for a wide range of causes and reputable treatments for individuals with SCI. The article explains a variety of problems and the related options. The “authorship” below gives credit to the authors but also lends a level of confidence for the information included. (print) (slideshow with audio)

~ Authorship: “Pain after Spinal Cord Injury” was developed by J. Scott Richards, PhD, Trevor Dyson-Hudson, MD, Thomas N. Bryce, MD, and Anthony Chiodo, MD, in collaboration with the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center.

Portions of this document were adapted from materials developed by the UAB SCI Model System, University of Michigan Model SCI Care System, Northwest Regional SCI System, and Craig Hospital.

~~ Check out the YouTube clips of The DayTime Show’s coverage of the mobility vehicle contest winners. Three cheers for NMEDA dealers (National Mobility Equipment Dealers Assoc.) and Toyota, BraunAbility, Honda, Chrysler, Chairiot solo, Eldorado, and VMI for their amazing donations. The winners, plus hundreds who were not winners this year, are amazing people who have faced adversity, persevered through it, and come out making meaningful contributions to others! Thanks for the DayTime Show for filming the interviews. I want to personally thank Clock Mobility in Grand Rapids, MI for their support as well.

NMEDA intro for 2015 Winner’s
Announcement – winner’s segment

~~ First ever International Surfing Assoc. (ISA) will host 1st ever adaptive surfing competition in LaJolla, CA in September.

Let’s hear it for LaJolla and the surfing community! “Our sport needs to be about inclusion, and an event like this is long overdue,” says ISA President Fernando Aguerre. “It is about opportunity. It is about sharing and community and bringing us all together as surfers. It is about showing the world that it does not matter if you are physically challenged, it is surfing and it is beautiful.”

~~ NEW: TEK RMD (Robotic Mobility Device)

Just 16.5″ x 29.5″, designed to allow paraplegic person to sit or stand upright and move about. Only platform that can be front-loaded (not side such as wheelchair). It doesn’t replace a wheelchair but offers alternatives which allow one to be upright, give relief to the ‘sitting’ area, and leave hands free for reaching, task completion, and carrying. Now FDA approved for the US; requires Dr. prescription.

~~ Joni and Me: International Disability Center (Joni Earickson Tada)

~~ Wheels for the World provides a free wheelchair, along with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to children and adults affected by disability worldwide.

~~ ‘Beyond the Chair’ is located in San Antonio, TX and provides therapy for SCI:

~~ Mary Free Bed Rehab Hospital:

~~ Dr. Susan Harkema:

~~ Christopher & Dana Reeves Foundation:

~~ CarePages (FastHugs First Months):

~~ Keeping Active in Other Ways